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Privacy Policy
What we need

TS Total Adventure Sdn Bhd will be what is known as the ‘Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us. TS Total company registration number is 858849K . This privacy notice applies to all “TS Total Adventure” i.e., and all of its associated subdomains.

Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will only collect basic personal data about you, which does not usually include any special categories of personal information about you (often known as ‘sensitive personal data’). This information does, however, include the likes of your name, email address, business type, business name, work address, job title and any interests you have indicated you have.

Why we need it


We need to know basic personal data in order to keep you up-to-date with our services, as requested by you on submission of your data via the website or any of its subdomains. You can choose to unsubscribe from these communications at any time, either via the unsubscribe option on any communication sent from us, or via email to You should note that should you do so, we will be unable to provide the service requested.

Unless otherwise agreed with you, we will only collect basic personal data about you, which does not usually include any special categories of personal information about you (often known as ‘sensitive personal data’). This information does, however, include the likes of your name, email address, business type, business name, work address, job title and any interests you have indicated you have.

What we do with it


All the personal data we hold about you will be processed by our staff. Without your permission we will never send your data to any third parties except those who directly assist us to provide the services stated above. 

How long we keep it


We will generally keep your personal data for an indefinite period of time, in order to enable us to provide you with the services requested (ongoing newsletter and information communications via email for our events and membership). Your information will be kept with us until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Sensitive Personal Data


In addition to the basic data described above, it may also benefit you to notify us of any health condition or disability you have, so that we are aware of these conditions and how they affect you. This will allow us to take any reasonable steps to accommodate specific needs or requirements you have when providing our services to you. This type of information is known under the law as ‘special category information’ (you may also know this as ‘sensitive personal data’) and we require your explicit consent to process this information.

What are your rights
Under data protection legislation, you have several rights regarding the use of your personal data, as follows:

If at any point you wish to either confirm whether your personal data is being processed and/or access the data we hold on you, you can request to see this information free of charge, and we will respond to this request within a month.

You also have the right for certain data you have provided to TS Total Adventure to be provided to you in a structured and commonly used electronic format (for example, a Microsoft Excel file), so that you can move, copy or transfer this data easily to another data controller. You may also request that we transmit this data directly to another organization where it is practical for us to do so.

You are entitled to have data deleted if it is no longer needed or there is no longer a legitimate reason for the processing, or if the data in question has otherwise unlawfully been processed. You may also request deletion of your personal data if it was only being processed as a result of you consenting to this and you now withdraw your consent.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data (note that this only provides you with the right to raise your objections, not a blanket right to have any and all processing cease).

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data under certain circumstances, including if you have consented to its accuracy and while this is being verified by TS Total Adventure, or if you have objected to its processing and while TS Total Adventure is considering whether it has legitimate grounds to continue to do so.

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